Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Tomorrow's the BIG Day

So I am thinking of today as my last day as a fat person. Granted, I'm going to be fat for several more months...but I will be working on not being fat. It's a state of mind thing, right?
I get my shakes tonight. I am expecting them to taste bad. I am thinking of them as medicine, so that I am less disappointed in the taste. I have tried medi-fast and that was DISGUSTING, but I have heard that this is better.
I started to get nervous for the first time yesterday. Can I really give up food? My head automatically tells me yes. Am I strong enough to give up food? This is where my hesitation comes in. I think that I am. C thinks that I am. Lots of people are excited for me. But can I do it. I keep saying yes, and deep down I believe that if I try I can. But will I try? These questions just keep playing over and over in my head.
I'm going to do my best, that's all I can do. I am feeling determined not to fail. I am sick of being fat. And more importantly, being fat is making me sick.
Wish me luck!

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